How can I register for Sinergija?
In order to register for Sinergija 24, please log in using one of your personal accounts from: Microsoft, Google, Apple, Linkedin or Facebook to create your account at platform. Your account will serve as a universal pass, allowing you to seamlessly partake in events as an attendee, organizer, speaker, or sponsor. By using the account you will be able to register for the event, order and buy tickets, assign tickets to other people, submit speaker sessions and use the official event app. When creating a new account you will need to enter some basic information and veryfiy tyour email. After creating account, you can procced to place order for your E-ticket. Follow the instructions on the screen, fill in the registration form with the suitable data and you will receive an automatic pro-forma invoice. After completing the order, you can assign E-ticket to yourself or someone else.
What is required to register at the Crowne Plaza Hotel? +
To participate in Sinergija 24, you need an electronic ticket (E-ticket) which you should bring with you and show it at the registration desk. You will receive an e-ticket (via email) by paying the registration fee or by using a voucher code. You can donate or give an e-ticket to others, which provides great flexibility for groups of participants and an even better view for E-ticket purchasers. Once you receive your E-ticket, you can save it as a PDF document (you received via email), store it in conference app or mobile app wallet. Present your E-ticket at the registration desk to receive the conference badge.
What types of ticket are available? +
Tickets will be sold in three periods for the Technical Days, while for the Business Day the same price will be applied in all periods.

Technical Days:
During the Super Promo Period, which runs until 20 September 2024 you can get your registration fee for 48.000 RSD (410 EUR). During the Promo period, which runs from 21 September to 11 November 2024, the registration fee will be 57.600 RSD (510 EUR), and from 12 November 2024 until the very beginning of the conference, conference tickets will have a standard price of 75.000 RSD (640 EUR).

Business Day:
The Business Day registration fee for all registration periods is 39.800 RSD (340 EUR).

Technical Days + Business Day:
For Technical Days + Business Day until 20 September 2024 you can get your registration fee for 67.900 RSD (580 EUR). During the Promo period, which runs from 21 September to 11 November, 2024 the registration fee will be 79.700 RSD (680 EUR), and from 11 November 2024 until the very beginning of the conference, conference tickets will have a standard price of 94.900 RSD (810 EUR). Note**: All prices are quoted excluding VAT.
What is included in the ticket for Sinergija? +
Ticket for Sinergija 24 Technical Days provides participants with access to all lectures within the Technical Conference Days , lunch, access to the Expo zone, refreshment breaks, Sinergija Party and conference materials for the Technical Days. Ticket for Sinergija 24 Business Day provides access to Keynotes, panel discussions, and other sessions within the Business Conference Day, access the Expo zone, refreshments and conference for the Business Day. Press ticket provides access to all session during the three conference days (Tech and Biz), acess to Expo Zone, lunch and refreshments during the three days .
Multiple ticket discounts +
If you purchase 10 to 19 tickets, you will get a discount of 10%. For purchasing 20 to 29 tickets, the discount is 15%. If you purchase 30 or more tickets, you will get a discount of 20%. The discount is valid for all registration periods
Invoicing tickets +
Invoicing services for Sinergija are provided by Conference Republic d.o.o. Upon registration, you will receive a pro-forma invoice for your tickets from Conference Republic d.o.o.
How do I register multiple attendees from my company? +
As a representative of your company, you can order multiple tickets during the registration and receive a single pro-forma invoice. Upon completing the order, you can assign the E-tickets to yourself or someone else. Invites to claim E-Ticket can be sent via email, by sending a link or QR code. Once claimed (or directly assigned) E-tickets will be sent to the assignee email. Also, as a representative, you can register your co-workers or clients by entering their information under manual configuration. However, they will not be able to sue mobile application unless they claim the E-ticket. If you have already registered participants from your organization and would like to purchase additional tickets you can do so from the ticket screen. When you log in, select Tickets and then Sinergija 24. From that screen, additional tickets can be acquired by selecting Buy more tickets.
What are promo and voucher codes, how are they used, and how can I get them? +
If you received a promo code from the organizer, you could enter the promo code at the first step of registration, to get an additional discount on E-ticket prices. If you, as a participant in a special capacity or as a conference partner, received a voucher that entitles you to free participation in the conference, you enter them in the same registration box in the first step.
When and where will the conference schedule be announced? +
The final schedule of events within Sinergija 24 will be published on the conference web portal.
Will it be possible to interact with speakers during the lectures? +
Of course. Each lecture is designed to give participants the opportunity to ask a question and discuss the topic of the lecture. In addition to the discussion in the conference room, you will also be able to ask questions through the Sinergija Portal or by contacting individual lecturers directly during and after the Sinergija conference.
What is the official language of the conference? +
Službeni jezik konferencije je srpski, a predavanja će biti na srpskom ili engleskom jeziku.

The official language of the conference is Serbian. The lectures will be in Serbian or English. If you have any questions, you can email the Sinergija team at info[at] or fill in the contact form.

Budite deo najvećeg IT & Biz događaja u regionu

Registrujte se za Sinergiju 24 u super promo periodu